Monday, 13 October 2008

Au Revoir et A Bientot, Lille

Woke up late. Didnt get to see Pascaline. I actually woke up because Hector called me at noon. And I'm like. Oh SNAP! It's already 12noon. Cause he invited us over at noon for lunch. and I immediately woke Zhilin up and took a quick shower and off we went. I told Hector that we'd come around 1pm. tapi we ended up leaving Zhilin's place around 1pm. Ngam c Hector telipun and asked us to buy chicken.. sal kami andang plan kan bali ayam and sausage ku utk aku bawa balik ke besancon..

Hector: ca ne te derange pas si tu peux acheter du poulet?
Mas: Ok. Pas souci.
Confused cause I dont know what he wanted.. So I called him back seconds later.. Mas: Allo? Errr c'était pas claire ce que t'as dit.. Tu veux lequel? Tu veux le poulet CRU (pronounced KRU)??
Hector: Le poulet CUIT.. (pronounced KU-I) s'il te plait
Mas: Bon. A toute de suite

Hector: do u mind buying some chicken?
Mas: Ok. No problem.
*calls back*
Mas: Allo? It wasn't clear what you had just said.. What do you want? You want RAW chicken? Hector: Cooked/roasted chicken, please.
Mas: Ok. See you soon

buying the roasted chicken and sausages =)

Once we sat down, I passed him the RAW chicken and he's like "c'est QUOI ca?" (WHAT is this?). "La poulet" (the chicken). "Mais noooooon!!! C'est pas ca!! Je t'ai dit le poulet CUIT!!!" (nooo!! this is not it!! i told you cooked chicken!!!" "Ah bon? Tu m'as dit CRU!! pas CUIT!!! J'ai entendu CRU!!" (oh really? you told me RAW!! not COOKED!! I heard RAW!!")

Okay so maybe it was MY fault for not understanding what he said.. Well, I can never understand completely what he says anyway cause of his deep voice.. haha Franchement, j'arrive jamais quand il parle a cause de sa voix bas

Fortunately, Zhilin bought one whole chicken as well for him.. So we used his for lunch.. haha
the antique camera that Hector has.. It still works actually but you have to have the 'old film strip' or entah something to make it work.. Not sure if be battery atau inda..


At 6pm, we left Zhilin's place and Minh came by at the station as well..

Do you know what I hate about travelling alone? Payah ah kalau kan bekamih apa. Aku lagi paranoid kalau tinggalkan barang ku ampai2.. Aku brabisly kan bekamih but I didnt dare to leave my stuff unattended. And paloi lah cause the train nada internet.. Aku pakai first class punya ticket pun nada internet. I thought ada internet kalau pakai first class. Lain kali malas tah ku lagi first class eh.. Tapi comfy and basar pulang kerusi nya.. But it wasnt worth it.. It was a 4 hour journey back to Besançon. Baik jua my Spongebob CD was there..

Watched one whole season of Spongebob. Haha caliiiii cute ahhhhh.. favourite cartoon =)

Once I arrived at Besançon. Talur ahhh.. Apa tu bus nya nada ah. The last bus from the station is at 8pm.. Macam waaaaa? And barangku lagi a bit banyak lah and aku ngalih and inda ada mood kan jalan kaki.. It takes about 25mins to walk back home. So I had no choice but to use the taxi. It costs me 7euros for a 5 minute ride. Mati ehhhhh.. kata2 ku brabis.. hmmmph!

Eh nah presents dari durang..

group picutre of the CPI first and second year taken last year
the first year students of last year
the presents.. ohhh and ada lagi satu present dari c JB.. but entah nanti tah.. cheers

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